Akat Cafe Kalli


1603 2nd Ave, Oakland, CA 94606



https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sinfronterascoffee/sin-fronteras-coffee-sourcing-roasting-and-relatio "Akat Cafe Kalli is a small family owned and community based cafe' in Oakland, California. Our family took a risk, yet active role to create our own income, to create our own work schedule, to ensure time as family and to have the time and space to grow socially, intellectually, artistically, spiritually...holistically. We started back in 2012 making artisan coffee and hosting poetry readings for community members. From day one we have been about creating positive relationships and having a positive impact on the community we are also a part of. As folks began engaging with the space and supporting it, they made it more safe, welcoming and vibrant; we just continue to make the coffee and care how we interact with all of our relations. For the past year we have been roasting our own coffee and working directly with autonomous coffee producers in Chiapas, Mexico. We are focusing on the relationships within the production of coffee and reporting back to folks from our visits with coffee producers. Thank you for your participation". #sinfronterascoffee #itsabouttherelationship #cafésinfronteras #cafécontraelmuro Akat Café Kalli es un café en Oakland, California. Nosotrxs tomamos un riesgo, pero el papel activo para crear nuestrxs propios ingresos, para crear nuestrx propio horario de trabajo, para garantizar el tiempo como familia y tener el tiempo y espacio para crecer

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